Chapter 19
He apperated out and left me to my business. I looked back over the land toward my city for a few moments then apperated to the Court House and met with Skyler and Sasha. I sent a thought to Ja` Lynn and asked him to meet me in my office. H let me know he would be there.
I looked at Skyler and Sasha, “I need to talk to both of you about a personal matter.”
They looked at each other then back at me. Skyler asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong. I just need to let you two know a few things.”
“Ok. I suppose you want to apperate us to your office?”
“Yes. Unless you want to just shift there.”
Sasha sighed, “I guess I can go with you. Skyler?”
He held out his hand. I smiled and took it then put a hand on Sasha’s arm. I found that it was a lot harder to take more then one, but I didn’t let them see it. While they recovered I walked around my desk and sat down.
Sasha recovered first so she sat down in one of the other chairs and said, “Ok, so spill. What’s going on?”
I looked from her to Skyler then said, “I am going to be leaving for a school soon that will teach me how to control this gift I seem to have. For some reason I am able to channel all six elements. Ja` Sair told me about a special school that has been set up for people like me. While I am gone at the school Ja` Lynn is going to be my steward only because he is the next in line after me. I haven’t told him this yet, but he should be getting here soon so that I can let him know.”
Skyler looked at me, “Well, then I will get my things together. How long are we going to be there?”
“We are not. I am not sure how long I will be there. Unfortunately it is the kind of place that can only be reached by those who can channel all six elements.”
“So that’s it? Just like that you are going to leave for who know how long? Did it even cross your mind that maybe I really don’t want you to go?”
“Sasha, can you give us a few moments?”
Sasha nodded and left. I looked back at Skyler, “Why don’t you want me to go?”
“I never see you as it is. How is this dating thing going to work out when I will se you even less? How am I supposed to guard you if you are there and I can’t be? What if something happens while you are there? Why do you even have to go to this place anyway? Are your own people not good enough for you?”
I stood up and my chair flew across the room and crashed into the wall. I hadn’t even realized I had picked it up and threw it until I saw the pieces explode against the far wall. I glared at Skyler, “You would dare to ask if my people are good enough for me? You would dare? Your right. I don’t know how long I will be gone. I don’t know how this dating thing will work out when I am there. Hell its not even working out when I’m here. If something happens while I am there I guess I will just have to pull on my big girl pants and deal with it myself. It’s not as if I really need you to guard me.”
“Careful the words you speak. You may not be able to call them back Sa` Tain.”
“I may not want to call them back De` Cain.”
He reacted as if I had slapped him. He looked like he might start backing down when he said, “Yari…”
I couldn’t have him back down yet. I walked around the desk, locked eyes with him and really did slap him with claws extended. I hissed, “Do not ‘Yari’ me Sk` Yler De` Cain.”
It was finally enough to push him over the edge. I saw him move a split second before his claws connected with my cheek just below my eye. I tasted the blood that ran down my cheek and grinned. I attacked, slashing, biting, kicking, clawing, and anything else that came to mind. This was not a controlled fight where there are forms and moves to follow. This was the total rush of unvented anger.
I slammed him into my desk as he knocked me to the floor. He followed me down and just missed sinking his teeth into my arm before I sent him into the wall. He used his wings and claws to catch himself on the wall then launched back at me. I snarled at him and uppercut him just as he got to me.
The blow sent him into a back flip that he wasn’t quite able to recover from. He slammed into the floor then rolled into the far wall. I shifted into Kier form and let him get back up. I rushed him and put the full force of my punch into his jaw. His head snapped back into the wall. His eyes went to slits then glazed red. He jerked his head forward into my face.
I managed to tuck my chin just enough to avoid a broken nose, but I was still dazed a bit when our foreheads met. I felt my head slam against the wall and felt a growl escape from my throat. We both moved toward the other at the same time and our lips met.
The meager clothing we were wearing provided no resistance to our claws as we shredded each other’s clothing. I still wasn’t done fighting so I dug my claws in to his shoulder, kneed him and used my wings to push myself away from him, letting my claws slice down his chest.
I used my wings to cover myself and took a good look at him. The sight of him standing in all his glory with blood running down his chest stirred me in a way that I can’t describe. I could see lust and rage warring and mixing in his eyes and could feel the same welling up in me. I folded my wings back as he came at me.
We continued to fight as he pressed me back into my desk. His claws dug into my back as he pulled me to him so I ran mind down his back. I saw a question flash across his eyes asking if I wanted to continue. I answered him by sinking my teeth into his neck and wrapping one leg around him.
I never would have imagined my first time would be quite so violent. It was full of such painful rapture that all I could do was hold on as my body screamed for more. We had just finished when I felt Sasha ask if we were ready to see Ja` Lynn. I looked around the room and laughed.
I formed a light robe that would at least cover me and told Skyler to do the same. When we were both at least covered I sent back to Sasha that they could come in. I was sitting on my desk with Skyler standing beside me, both of us still with bloody marks visible, when they walked in. The slowly glanced around the room then looked at me and Skyler.
Ja` Lynn nodded to me, “You wanted to see me?”
I smiled, “Yes. I am going to a school that will teach me how to channel all six elements. You will be my steward while I am gone. Do you have any problem with this?”
He looked around at the damage to the room and shook his head, “None at all. Will you want me to sit in at Court with you tomorrow?”
“Yes. You are free to go about your business until then.”
“Thank you, my Lady. I will be going now.”
I nodded and he left the room. I looked at Sasha, “There seems to be a bit of cleaning needed in my office. Do you think you can arrange it?”
Sasha nodded, “I will have someone in here shortly. Do you want me to have the kitchen send your meals to your room?”
I let a slow smile spread across my face, “That would be wonderful.”
“Ok. Well, if it’s all the same to you I will be going now. Just send a thought if you need me.”
“I will.”
Sasha left the room and I looked up at Skyler, “As for you. I’m not done with you yet.”
I apperated us to my bedroom where we continued where we left off. I told him that if he got me pregnant I would rip his manhood off so that was the only thing he was careful about.
I woke up early the next morning blissfully sore. Skyler tried to pull me back into bed but I pushed him away with a smile. He sat up and looked at me, “I know why you have to go. I just wish you didn’t have to.”
I sighed, “Me too, Sky. I have the feeling that I am going to need what I can learn there, though.”
“I know. I can see it in your eyes. I stand a better chance of stopping the sun in the sky then stopping you from going. Well, If I can’t stop you, then I will help you get there and back as soon as possible. Tell me what you want me to do.”
I grinned, “Keep me company at night?”
He smiled, “I would be happy to do that.”
“Good. I will see you tonight then.” I kissed him and went into my bathing room to wash up.
I met Anna Marie in the Alter room where she instructed me to wrap the rune cloth around my waist. I immediately felt myself cut off from the natural strength I got from my Kier nature. I looked at Anna Marie and she smiled.
She led me to another room and said, “I believe you already know what to do. You will know when you are ready to do it. Do not do it too soon or it will kill you.”
I nodded and got started with the steps to the first and second runes. It was significantly harder to make my body stretch far enough to do the steps with out my Kier strength. All I could do was grit my teeth, feel the bite of Anna Marie’s whip, and carry on.
My mornings were filed with training and pushing myself entirely too hard my afternoons were spent making sure Ja` Lynn would be ready when I left, and my nights were filled with Skyler. Thankfully he didn’t ask me anything about my training though I could tell he wanted to.
Anna Marie pushed me hard. As I tried to do each step she would have me explain the rune. I tried and failed to keep my momentum going when I would miss a step because she would require me to repeat my explanation word for word.
She was starting to piss me off a bit so when she had me start over with the first rune when I was most of the way through the second I had enough with trying to explain it. When she asked me again to explain the first rune I said, “Sight beyond Senses.”
She smiled, “It’s about time you get it right, now do the steps.”
My feet were already moving to start the steps when it sank in. While still moving I asked, “So that was all I had to say?”
She chuckled, “Can you think of a better or more accurate way of describing it?”
I thought for a moment, “I guess not.”
I finished the steps for the first rune then moved on to the second. It took the same amount of force to do it this time as it did the first time. When I could finally do both runes with a fair amount of ease I brought up the 3-D image for the third rune.
I took the first two steps and wished I hadn’t. I had thought the second rune was hard. The third one nearly dropped me to my knees. I barely made it through the entire rune. I just managed to stand back up and identify the rune as meaning Strength of Body.
Each of the next four runes presented their own challenges in addition to the challenges of the rune before. The fourth, Stillness of Mind, was indeed the most challenging. The fifth, sixth, and seventh, Clarity of Motion, Fortitude of Purpose, and Flexibility of Action respectively, were only easy comparatively.
Anna Marie explained that the first seven runes were known as the Major Runes. They were used to test the resolve to make absolutely sure the student wanted to go on and had the ability to go on. They were the Unchangeable Laws, the things that must always be there. She went on to explain the next six were the Minor Runes and their attributes were much more fluid.
The eighth rune was Speed. As I studied I learned that Speed was more then just moving fast. It was moving with precision. Just enough speed to be accurate, and just slow enough to conserve energy.
The ninth rune was Silence. I discovered that it wasn’t always a good thing to be absolutely silent. There were times that silence would cause more noise then a slight bit of sound. It also took more energy to be absolutely silent then to let just enough sound out.
Agility and Will, the tenth and eleventh runes, were about knowing when to show it. Sometime it would be better to move with less grace then you are able to in order to throw off you enemy, but not to the point of appearing weak. Just as there would be times when bending others to you will would be best and other times when letting yourself bend would be better.
The twelfth and thirteenth runes were Past and Future. It took me a bit to find how they were fluid. The connection came when I realized they were each governed by the Present. Each decision made paved the road of the past and built the foundation of the future.
As I completed the test of each rune the pattern on the rune cloth grew more intricate. The labyrinth pattern grew more complex and beautiful. I also began to notice wisps of power flowed from one rune to the next along the pattern.
Anna Marie left me zero room for error. If I made any mistake it was immediately corrected usually in a painful manner. I went from hating her, to understanding, to respecting, to liking her. I found myself looking forward to the training, not just to get it done, but to learn from her.
She wouldn’t let me move on to the Elements until I could go an entire training session without a single misstep. If she said a rune number I would have to say the meaning and do the steps. If she said the meaning I would say the number and do the steps. If she displayed a rune I would say the meaning and the number then do the steps. I felt a sense of pride when she grudgingly said I was passable and we would be starting the Elements in the morning.
I woke up even earlier then usual. I made my way to the Alter room to meditate a bit before Anna Marie came to get me and found that she was in the room meditating. After we meditated we got up and walked to another hall. We walked into the first room and I felt a sense of solidity and could smell fresh grass and trees.
Anna Marie turned toward me and asked, “What will you be learning in this room Yarianna?”
I smiled, “The basics of the Element of Earth, Ma’am.”
“You are correct and not quite accurate. This is the Room of Ashen, or the Element of Earth. In here you will learn the Forms of the Ashentok, or the Earth Stompers. The only ones who know the name Ashentok are the Earth Stompers and the Order or Saleen. There are thirteen forms that you will learn for each of the Elements. Each Form translates to a Rune. These are important to remember. Each Rune invokes an aspect of the Element. For now you will only learn the Forms. We don’t have the wards here that will let you put those Forms into practice. Let’s go on to the next room.”
As we walked from room to room she explained what the room was called and the name of the Forms. The next room was the Room of Ethas, or the Element of Air, and the Forms were called the Ethasian, or the Wind Weavers. Following that room was the Room of Inok, or Fire with the Forms or the Inokahn, which was the Flame Blazers. The next was Ociana, or Water, and the Forms of the Ocianatan, or the Wave Runners. Then came the Room of Usina, or Spirit and the Forms of the Usinason, or Spirit Fighters. Last was the room of Yenia, or Time and the Forms of Yenianas, or Time Spinners.
Anna Marie took me back into the first room and told me that she expected me to remember exactly what each room was and what would be learned in it. I told her that I would. She smiled and told me to wait in the room for my instructor.
I looked at her, “You are not going to teach me, Ma’am?”
She smiled, “I will teach you the Element I am most gifted in. For the other Elements you will learn from those who are most gifted in that Element. You will be training for an hour in each Element every day until you have mastered the basics. I would caution you now not to get the Forms mixed up. It will be painful for you if you do.”
I nodded and waited for my instructor. She walked in a few minutes later. She was just shy of five feet tall and very petite. She had her hair pulled back into a braid that hung to her knees and clicked from the short bladed whip she had braided into the end of it.
She walked up to me and looked up, “You are Yarianna De` Ekar?”
I nodded, “I am, although I go by Sa` Tain, Ma’am.”
“Bah, Sa` Tain is not as strong as De` Ekar. While you are with the Order you will be known as De` Ekar. Understood?”
I nodded, “Yes Ma’am.”
“Good. I am Aliana Ca` Fain. You will call me Lady Ca` Fain. I here you are the Heir to Clan Sa` Tain. I don’t care. To me you are Initiate De` Ekar. Understood?”
“Yes, Lady Ca` Fain.”
“Good. Let’s begin.”
Lady Ca` Fain may have been small, but she made Anna Marie seem as if she were pampering me. Every misstep was punished by a switch she carried with her. That wouldn’t have been too bad, but she pushed her Element into the strike so that it felt like I was being switched by a tree. I thanked every God and Goddess I could think of when that hour was up.
Anna Marie was my instructor for the Forms of the Ethasian. I walked in and slimed, “You have no idea how glad I am to see you.”
She laughed, “Lady Ca` Fain is quite the firecracker isn’t she? Don’t tell her I said that though. She out ranks me by a long shot. To work though, Initiate Dr` Ekar.”
That hour passed rather quickly and I went on to my Inokahn instructor. This one surprised me. He was standing near the center of the room with flame rolling off of his body. He stood about just shy of seven feet and his head was shaved. His eyes looked like twin pools of molten rock. When he spoke it was deep and gravelly.
“Greetings Initiate Dr` Ekar. I am Sy` Khan Dr` Agon. I am not one of your kind and I consider you to be an abomination. Regardless of my personal feelings toward your kind you are still Children of Kier and I will respect that. Keep in mind that I am one of the few who will and you are my natural enemy. That being said, I agreed to teach your kind what I know of Inok so that you will provide some amusement to my kind when they decide to erase you from existence. Now let us begin.”
My next two instructors were Amy and Annie De` Cain. They were identical twins and chose to teach me together on both Ocianatan and Usinason Forms. If there was a way to tell them apart I didn’t know it. When one hour ended they just started the next with a new set of forms. I finally got to Ja` Sair and the Yenianas forms. By the time the day was over I just wanted to lay down and pray I could remember everything the next day.